Help us improve your local health services; we need to hear about your experiences, opinions and ideas on what we can do better.
By completing this Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) questionnaire you can help us understand what works well for you and what we need to improve.
Professor John Warner, Head of Paediatrics at Imperial College and Honorary Consultant at Imperial NHS trust is leading a project (itchy sneezy wheezy) aimed at improving access within local communities to diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common allergic conditions in children:
This means we are working with GP's, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Nursery Staff, Schools, Children, Young People and their families to increase awareness, knowledge and clinical skills to provide services in primary care.
We know that many children and families face difficulty and delay in getting a diagnosis. For some children and families once they have a diagnosis they have difficulty ensuring the appropriate care in various settings i.e. schools and nursery.
The information you provide will help to inform us about your experience within the current systems and where you want to see changes and improvements.
There are two questionnaires, you only need to complete one and it takes 20-30 minutes. Please click a box below to access the questionnaire you require:

Your Itchy Sneezy Wheezy Care - For children around 8 years to complete with a section for their parents

Your Child's Allergy & Symptoms - For parents to complete for children aged under 8 years
Once completed your completed the information you have given to us will remain completely confidential and will be used to help inform us on how we can make the system work better for you.
Thank you for your time and help.